PBMR Labs Ukraine

PBMR Labs Ukraine, ( is the leading company in Ukraine specializing in synthesis of chemical building blocks and fine chemicals, provider of high throughput screening compounds. PBMR also offers integrated services of custom synthesis, lead optimization and molecular modelling to support customers in the design of new drugs and other bioactive products. PBMR Labs also conducts independent research for biologically active compounds. PBMR is experienced in innovative project and presently are involved in project dedicated to the development of new pharmaceuticals which can be used in treatment of cardiovascular diseases. The company has a huge experience in organic synthesis of building blocks, enzyme inhibitors, dyes, polydentate ligands and other organic and metal-containing compounds.
PBMR team also has an expertise in synthesis, identification and characterization of coordination compounds and tightly collaborates in this area with the researchers from Vernadskyi Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry NAS of Ukraine and Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Besides studies aimed on characterization of interaction between coordination compounds and biomolecules by spectral-luminescent methods are performed in collaboration with scientists from Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics NAS of Ukraine (IMBG). Infrastructure: The PBMR team is equipped with the necessary labware (including vacuum Schlenk lines) to perform organic syntheses and preparations of coordination compounds, as well as that used for identification of the newly synthesised compounds (elementary CHNO(S) analyzer, UV-VIS, NMR chromato-MS-spectrometers, HPLC). The PBMR team has access to fluorescence, CD, FT-IR spectrometers ITC analyser to perform experimental studies of protein interactions with cage complexes.
The company has 35 persons as staff, including 25 researchers and senior researchers.
Researchers involved in the realization of the project: 5 ER, 5 ESR.
Last modification: 26-03-2019 14:27:44


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    CLATHROPROBES Closing Meeting

    Lake Hill Hotel, Tyrolska 2 G, 58-564 Sosnówka, Poland
  • 28
    Mar 2019

    CLATHROPROBES Mid-term Meeting

    Faculty of Chemistry, University of Vienna Address: Währinger Straße 42, A-1090 Vienna
  • 21
    Mar 2018

    CLATHROPROBES Kick-off Meeting

    Department Chemie und Pharmazie, FAU, Nikolaus-Fiebiger-Straße 10, 91058 Erlangen, Germany


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Chiroptical, optical and magnetic probes for protein sensing based on cage metal complexes

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Faculty of Chemistry UWr